Our Affiliations



IATA (International Air Transport Association)

Ascent Air is IATA certified GSSA. IATA is an international industry trade group of airlines headquartered in Montreal, Canada. IATA represents some 240 airlines comprising 84% of scheduled international air traffic.


ACAAI (Air Cargo Agents’ Association of India)

Ascent Air is an active member of ACAAI. It is the only National Association representing the Air Cargo Industry in India. It has strength of approximately 278 Active Members, 298 Associate Members, 42 Allied Members (including Airlines & GSAs) and 9 Commercial Members.


TAAI (Travel Agents’ Association of India)

Ascent Air is an active member of TAAI. It has approximately 2500 members consisting of Active, Associate, Allied, Government and Non-Resident.


CII (Confederation of Indian)

Ascent Air is an active member of CII. Founded over 117 years ago, it is India's premier business association, with a direct membership of over 7100 organizations from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 90,000 companies from around 250 national and regional sectoral associations.


TIACA (The International Air Cargo Association)

Ascent Air is also a member of TIACA. The Association is governed by its Trustee members, which represent many of the world's major companies in the air cargo industry.